Oreo Cheesecake Protein Truffles

True Protein Blog Avatar Fallback reviewed by our Nutrition Team 14 June 2021

Looking for an indulgent treat that won't interfere with your goals? These protein truffles are a perfect option to keep you on track!

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Oreo Cheesecake Protein Truffles

Makes 20 | Time: 20 minutes (excluding setting time)


Calories per serve 96

Protein 4.9g

Carbohydrate 9.9g

Fat 3.3g




10 cookies and cream biscuits

10 additional cookies and cream biscuits (cream removed)

3 scoops (90g) True WPC80 in Cookies and Cream

1 Tbsp cacao powder

150g low-fat cream cheese

75g white chocolate, melted




  1. Place the whole and separated biscuits into a high-speed blender, blitz until a fine crumb forms.

  2. Next, add in the protein powder, cacao powder and cream cheese and blend until smooth and combined.

  3. Roll into balls and place into the fridge for 30 minutes, drizzle with white chocolate then return to the fridge for a further 10 minutes. Enjoy!

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