Protein Waffles

True Protein Blog Avatar Fallback reviewed by our Nutrition Team 01 July 2020

These protein waffles make the ultimate protein breakfast or dessert option - just serve with your favourite fruits and a serve of sugar-free maple syrup!

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Protein Waffles

Serves 2

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Per Serve

Calories: 360
Kilojoules: 1506

Protein: 26.5g
Carbohydrates: 50.9g
Fats: 4.7g


100g wholemeal flour
1 scoop True WPI 90 French Vanilla
½ tsp baking powder
pinch of pink salt
1 scoop True Carnitine
1 egg
1 egg white
35g honey
80ml almond milk
50g cottage cheese
olive oil spray




  1. In a large bowl beat the eggs. Then add honey, cottage cheese and almond milk and mix until combined.

  2. Then mix in the dry ingredients until well combined.

  3. Pre-heat your waffle maker and add a spray of oil if required. Then cook your waffles until golden brown.

  4. To serve, add your favourite toppings and enjoy!

Our protein powders are great tasting, made from naturally derived products and with a range of premium ingredients that contain no added sugar, artificial flavours or preservatives.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: all content provided here is of a general nature only and is not a substitute for individualised professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and reliance should not be placed on it. For personalised medical or nutrition advice, please make an appointment with your doctor, dietitian or qualified health careprofessional.