Almond Meal Protein Pancakes

True Protein Blog Avatar Fallback reviewed by our Nutrition Team 14 January 2019

Yummy stackable pancakes with a protein hit!

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Almond Meal Protein Pancakes

Serves 1

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes


1 cup almond meal
1 scoop (30g) True Plant Protein in French Vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp coconut sugar
3 tbsp coconut oil
½ cup coconut milk
1 mashed banana
1 tsp vanilla essence
Pinch of salt
Natural nut butter, lemon, maple syrup and berries for toppings


  1. Preheat a frypan on the stove using coconut oil to grease the pan

  2. Place all ingredients into a mixer. Mix on low for 3 minutes

  3. Divide the mixture into pancake sized portion and pour into the frypan

  4. Cook for 2 minutes on one side or until the mixture starts to bubble then flip over and cook the other side

  5. Plate up the pancakes and stack each layer with a spread of nut butter in between. Top with lemon juice, maple syrup and mixed berries ​

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