We're phasing out plastic scoops

Though our current scoops are made of ocean-bound plastic, they tend to build up in our customers drawers. After much consideration and feedback we have determined that they are not essential in the use of our products and create unnecessary waste. In an effort to Be Better and reduce our environmental footprint, we have decided to phase out plastic scoops from our products, saving over 400,000 scoops or 7,500kgs of plastic each year.

The transition will happen over time 

There are many things we’ve had to consider in order to change our operative processes. The project will take time as we switch over packaging, production procedures, website content and our directions for use product by product (and flavour by flavour).

Over the next 12 months, some products will include a scoop and some will not. This is because we still have many months of original packaging on hand for some blends, and we want to make sure every product you receive from us has the correct instructions. We are working hard to make the transition as seamless as possible for all our valued customers.  

What to expect 

Newly printed packages will not include a scoop and list directions for use in exact weight (grams) and international metric measurements (tsp & tbsp). We have chosen these formats as they’re the most universal way to measure powders, making them accessible to everyone.

If you don't already own any standard measuring utensils or are unfamiliar with this process, we'd recommend our new sustainable True Stainless Steel Scoops. These scoops can be used to measure all True products plus in everyday cooking or baking. 

What to do next 

We’ll advise on each product page if the product no longer contains a scoop so you can plan in advance how you will measure the product. 

You may find it easiest to keep existing True scoops for convenience, and we’d encourage you to do so! The serving sizes of our products will not change, just the way we measure them.

Thank you for helping us Be Better 

Your feedback is incredibly important to us and has been instrumental in our decision. We thank you in advance for your understanding as we take this huge step in our business, one that is better for the planet we all share.


Will there be any changes in the serving sizes or formulations of the products?

No, the serving sizes and formulations of our products will not change. 

How will I measure the product without the plastic scoop?

Newly printed packages will provide exact weight (grams) and international metric measurements for easy and accurate usage. You can use scales, tablespoon measures you already have at home, True sustainable scoops, your old True scoops and of course, kitchen spoons (note this method will not be as accurate).  

Will the packaging look different without the scoop?

Only the directions for use on the back of the pack will change. Overall, the packaging will look the same.

Can I still use my existing True scoops?

Absolutely! You can continue to use your existing True scoops for convenience. The serving sizes of our products will not change, only the measurement method. 

When will the transition be complete for all products?

The transition will take place gradually over the next 12 months to ensure a smooth shift for all products. 

Why can't you remove plastic scoops all at once?

We cannot remove plastic scoops all at once because we still have many months of original packaging on hand for some products. The directions on the packaging need to reflect whether a scoop is included to ensure ease of use for our customers. Removing scoops abruptly would result in thousands of units of wasted packaging, which would counteract our efforts to be more sustainable. By phasing out plastic scoops gradually over the next 12 months, we can minimise packaging waste and ensure a smooth transition for both our company and our customers.

Will the removal of scoops affect the ease of use or convenience of the products? 

Overall, the removal of scoops will not impact the ease of use or convenience of our products. The new measurement directions will provide accurate guidelines for usage. If travelling with your products remember to pack your True scoops or a spoon from home!  

Are there alternative options for measuring the product besides the sustainable scoops?  

Yes, you can also use standard measuring utensils or scales for precise measurements.

How can I differentiate between products that still include scoops and those that don't?  

Each product page will indicate whether it includes a scoop or not (flavour specific), allowing you to plan ahead.  

Will the removal of plastic scoops have any impact on the price of the products? 

No, the removal of plastic scoops will not affect the price of our products.  

What prompted the decision to remove plastic scoops and prioritize sustainability? 

Our decision was driven by customer feedback and our commitment to sustainability. By eliminating plastic scoops, we can reduce waste and minimize our environmental footprint, creating a positive impact on the planet.