There is a lot of varying advice out there and it can become understandably confusing. If you’re looking for the right weight loss supplement, how to use it, or just for some helpful tips, then this female supplement series is perfect for you. Here’s a guide of some of True Protein’s best female weight loss supplements and how to use them! Enjoy. Episode 2 - True Carnitine.
True Carnitine
What is it? - True Carnitine is a premium quality L-carnitine tartrate sourced from Switzerland. Carnitine converts fatty acids into energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), essentially turning your fat stores into an energy source. Carnitine will help your body access and burn any unnecessary fat stores, making it a perfect weight loss supplement.
When should you use it? – Carnitine is best consumed throughout the day. It can be easily added to your water 2-3 times daily. Whilst that might sound like a tedious amount, it’s worth keeping your body burning any fat stores when possible. However, if you miss a serving or two, it’s not a problem and won’t reverse any effects.
Tip – If you don’t like the taste in water as it can be a bit sour for some, mix Carnitine with your drink of choice.
Check here next week for the next episode in this series on Greens Powder.